A periodontic dentist is a specialist dentist who has studied the supporting structures of teeth, diseases and the conditions that can cause them.
Gum Disease is a common problem caused by poor oral hygiene but can also be caused by poor nutrition, smoking or medical issues such as diabetes.

Dr.Dt. Betül Çalışkan Batı / Periodontology & Implantology
2015 – Graduated from Ege University Faculty of Dentistry
2021- Graduated from Ege University - Periodontology
2021- Joined to Holident Team
Certifications &Advanced Education
2012- 18th TDB Congress
2013- FDI 101.st Annual World Dental Congress / Ä°stanbul
2014- 21st TDB Congress
2016- Dental Photography
2017- 24th TDB Congress
2017- K3Pro Immediate Implantation and Direct Restoration Congress
2018- 25th TDB Congress
2018- EuroPerio 9 / Amsterdam-Holland
2018- Medentika Oral Ä°mplantology Seminar
2019– Turkish Society of Oral Implantology Congress
2019- Use of Operation Microscope and Loop
2020- Maksillar Sinus Complications and Solutions: Endoscopic Approach
2020- Providing and Maintaining Pink Aesthetics Around Implants
2020- Implant Treatments in Aesthetic Area
2020- Biologically Driven Implantology in Aesthetic Area
2020- Treatments of Hopeless Teeth
2020- The Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic on Dentistry Practices and Education
​2022- Nucleoss Congress / Antalya (Prof.Dr.Thomas Linkevicius - Zero Bone Loss Concept)
Descale & Polish
Non-surgical Periodontal Treatments
Subepitelial Connective Tissue Graft
Gummy Smile Improvement
Hard-tissue Grafting
Free Gingival Graft
Epulis Excition
Flap operation
Gum Diseases
Bleeding, redness and swelling in the gums are indicators of gum disease. If disease left untreated, the disease progresses and causes loss of bone tissue that holding the tooth, tooth mobility and tooth loss.
For people with advanced disease, deep cleaning is required following dental cleaning. After the flap operation, dentist should ensure that the patient performs correct oral care.
Regular dental check-up every 6 months is important for early diagnosis and treatment.
Although the treatment duration varies depending on the number of treated teeth, it takes 30-60 minutes.
Promotional information, such as pricing, campaigns, and before-and-after photos, is prohibited on our website due to the rules of the official International Health Tourism Authorization. Please contact us to learn more and access case studies.
​Gingival Recession
Gum recession can be seen due to many reasons such as traumatic brushing, aberrant frenum or orthodontic treatment.
Complaints such as sensitivity and aesthetics can be treated surgically.
Although the treatment duration varies depending to the number of treated teeth, it takes 45-90 minutes.
In Holident Oral and Dental Health Center, the prices that suggested by Turkish Dental Association is taken as reference.
Get a free examination appointment from our specialists to have an ideal treatment plan for you.
​Pink Aesthetics / Gum Aesthetics / Gummy smile
Do you feel your teeth look too short and your smile is too gummy or your gums cover too much of some teeth while leaving the others the right length? If so, dental crown lengthening might be the solution for you. During the dental crown lengthening procedure, excess gum and bone tissue is reshaped to expose more of the natural tooth. This can be done to one tooth, to even your gum line, or to several teeth to expose a natural, broad smile. Then your gumline is sculpted to give your new smile just the right look.
In some of the patients with excessive appearance of the gums, the lip position can be changed and the patient can have an aesthetic smile with an operation called "Lip repositioning".
​Although the treatment duration varies depending on the number of treated teeth, it takes 30-60 minutes.
In Holident Oral and Dental Health Center, the prices that suggested by Turkish Dental Association is taken as reference.
For detailed information and costs, get a free examination appointment from our experts.
Aberrant Frenum / Frenectomy
It may be necessary to remove the tissue connection between the lip and the gum due to its location close to the edge of the gum or to cause diastemas between the teeth.
Aberrant Frenum / Frenectomy
It may be necessary to remove the tissue connection between the lip and the gum due to its location close to the edge of the gum or to cause diastemas between the teeth.
Promotional information, such as pricing, campaigns, and before-and-after photos, is prohibited on our website due to the rules of the official International Health Tourism Authorization. Please contact us to learn more and access case studies.
Wisdom Teeth
Wisdom teeth that can not find a place to erupt in the jaw may remain impacted or semi-impacted. This can cause pain and infection. Normal or surgical extraction of the problematic wisdom tooth is required.
Although the treatment duration varies depending to the position of the wisdom tooth, it takes 30-60 minutes on average.
Promotional information, such as pricing, campaigns, and before-and-after photos, is prohibited on our website due to the rules of the official International Health Tourism Authorization. Please contact us to learn more and access case studies.
Bone Augmentation / Sinus Lifting
Due to bone loss in jaws, there may not be enough bone for implant placement. This may result in improper implant placement.
Various bone grafts and biomaterials can be used for hard tissue augmentation. By this way we can create a suitable environment for implant placement in patients with bone deficiencies. After 4-6 months, ossification is completed, the implants can be placed ideally.
Although the duration of treatment varies depending on the bone deficiency, it takes 60-90 minutes.
Bone augmentation price varies depending on the bone deficiency and the products to be used. To get a clear treatment plan and price information, ask for a free examination appointment with our specialist dentists.
When the gums are healthy, they do not bleed. If you notice bleeding while brushing your teeth or for any other reason, this may be a symptom of gum disease. If there is redness, swelling or pus in the gums, make an appointment immediately. You can ask for an appointment with our periodontists, free of charge.
What are the noticeable symptoms?
Bleeding during brushing, gums which have pulled away from the teeth, bad breath, redness and swelling. Brush and floss regularly, stop smoking if you can and schedule regular visits to your dentist to help keep your smile healthy.
The main cause of gum diseases is dental plaque located on gumline and increases its severity. Good oral hygiene is the primary factor for prevention from gum disease.
What factors can increase the risk of periodontal disease?
As well as irregular visits to your dentist, gum disease can be affected by smoking or using chewing tobacco, diabetes, certain types of medication, bridges that no longer fit properly, crooked teeth, old fillings and even pregnancy.
Untreated disease results with increased severity and progress. Bone loss, gingival recessions and tooth mobility can occur and this can cause tooth loss.
For the disease to be recovered, the causative factors must be removed. For gum diseases, this factor is dental plaque and tartar. Using antibiotics or mouthwash does not eliminate the causative factor, it only suppresses acute complaints. When the period of use come to an end, the disease continues in the same way. Unless treatened by a periodontist, the gum disease does not get better by using mouthwash or antibiotics.
The teeth should be brushed twice a day by applying the correct technique with a correct toothbrush. Most of us brush our teeth twice a day and while you may think your technique is working well it might not be the most efficient way to remove all the plaque from your teeth. Place your brush at a 45 degree angle against your gumline. Gently start to brush your teeth in short circular strokes away from the gumline. Again using short back and forth strokes gently brush all the surfaces in your mouth, the inner, the outer and the chewing or biting surfaces of your teeth. In addition to the toothbrush, the areas between teeth must be cleaned. Dental floss and interdental brushes should be used according to the size of the gaps between teeth. For some specific areas, your dentist may recommend different cleaning tools. Consult your dentist about what is necessary to have a correct oral care. Come to regular check-ups every 6 months.
How long does it take to scale and polish my teeth?
If you take care of your dental hygiene and if your visit your hygienist regularly, the process shouldn’t take more than 30-45 minutes. Larger deposits of plaque which have hardened on can take longer to remove so the procedure may take a little longer.
What are the procedures?
During the procedure, the dentist will remove potentially harmful plaque, calculus and stains which cause gum disease, poor aesthetics and even more severe dental issues.
Tartar cleaning is not harmfull for the teeth. The treatment will be succesfull by removing the tartar and factors that cause the disease. With the root planning process performed by hand tools, the attachments are completely removed and a smooth surface is obtained. This procedure, which is performed by periodontists, does not harm the tooth.
Patients with gingival recession, when the tartar that covering the root surface is removed, tooth sensitivity can occur. This situation is normal. You can use desensitizing toothpastes.
​My dentist told me to have flap operation / open cleaning / surgical cleaning. What does it mean?
In places where gum disease was progressed and does not heal, dental pockets should be eliminated. The flap operation is performed so that the periodontist can clean subgingival attachments more easily by eliminating the gums. And then the patient can keep those areas clean after. This treatment is a surgical procedure. The pocket elimination procedure is performed under local anesthesia and the operation area is closed with stitches after the roots are cleaned. Sutures are removed after 1-2 weeks. At the end of treatment, visible length of the teeth will be increased. An increase of sensitivity can occur after treatment.
Gum recession occurs due to various factors. The characteristics of gingival reccesion varies according to this causal factor. For example, it is possible to close a deep and narrow gingival recession caused by inappropriate brushing, while it is not possible to close the recessions caused by common gum disease. If you have gingival recession, you can have a free examination appointment with our periodontists.
For covering the gingival recession, gingival tissues obtained from the upper palate are used. The tooth area with recession and the donor area are locally anesthetized. Then, a recipient bed is prepared surgically on the relevant tooth. A piece of gum obtained from the palate is placed in the area of ​​recession and covered with gum. Tissues are fixed with stitches. Sutures are removed after 1-2 weeks.
Having pain is normal for a few days after the operation. You can use pain killers to relieve the pain.
There are various treatment methods for overly visible gums. Orthognathic surgery, crown lenghtening surgery, lip repositioning, botox applications may be among these. You can ask for a free examination appointment from our experts to recommend the most suitable treatment for you.
Frenum is a tissue connection which located between the gum and lips, and sometimes this connection can place at the edge of gum. This can cause gum recession and gaps between the teeth. Frenectomy is a surgical procedure which consists removal of this tissue connection. After this process, you will have stitches which will be removed 1-2 weeks later.
When the tissue connection is removed with frenectomy it does not cause any change in the lip movements.
It may not be necessary to pull out wisdom teeth, which do not cause discomfort for the patient. Wisdom tooth can be erupted, semi-impacted or impacted.Wisdom teeth remaining semi-impacted can cause problems such as pain, cheek or tongue biting, decay in the tooth in front of it, and then may require extraction of the tooth. You can ask for a free examination appointment from our experts to recommend the most suitable treatment for you.
It may be difficult or easier to extract the tooth, depending on the position of the tooth. The level of pain you will experience varies according to the procedure and your pain threshold. If you have pain, you can take pain killers. In case of severe pain, there is a possibility that alveolar osteitis has developed. If you have wisdom teeth, you can have a free examination from our experts.
What are the noticeable symptoms?
Bleeding during brushing, gums which have pulled away from the teeth, bad breath, redness and swelling. Brush and floss regularly, stop smoking if you can and schedule regular visits to your dentist to help keep your smile healthy.
What factors can increase the risk of periodontal disease?
As well as irregular visits to your dentist, gum disease can be affected by smoking or using chewing tobacco, diabetes, certain types of medication, bridges that no longer fit properly, crooked teeth, old fillings and even pregnancy.
Some complaints and the symptoms described by our patients visiting our hospital bring to mind the gingival discomfort in the first place. These symptoms are:
Bleeding gums while brushing
Gums moving away from the teeth (gum recession)
Significant redness and swelling of the gums
What should patients pay attention to in order not to experience gingival discomfort?
It is a very important factor to pay attention to oral hygiene in order to avoid gum disease. Regular brushing and flossing are essential.
Irregular dental care is a factor that increases gum discomfort. In addition, smoking or using chewing tobacco, diabetes, certain types of medication, improper bridges, crooked teeth, old fillings, pregnancy can be factors that cause gum discomfort.
Treatment of Gum Disease
Non-Surgical Periodontal Treatment
-Depending on the severity of the gum disease, it is completed in at least 2-3 sessions.
-In each session, the teeth in that area, either right or left, are anesthetized and deep cleaning is done.
-Finally, a control session is held.
-Oral hygiene training is given to the patient in the control session.
Periodontal Surgery
In cases where gum disease is advanced, the process of opening the gums and cleaning the root surfaces with direct vision is called periodontal surgery. Bone powder can also be placed on the required areas in periodontal surgery.
All teeth, right or left (in 2 or 4 parts), are cleaned under local anaesthesia and the gums are closed again and sutured. After a week, the stitches are removed. In patients who are afraid, sedation can be applied for this treatment.
In cases where our patients who do not experience gingival disease so severe that they do not need surgical or non-surgical periodontal treatment, complain of plaques, calculus or discoloration on the tooth surface such as cigarette, tea, coffee, etc., dental surface cleaning is performed in our hospital.
This treatment consists of two consecutive procedures in the same session. First of all, our patients' calculus is cleaned with a device called a cavitron, and after this process, unwanted stains on the tooth surface are removed by polishing the teeth of our patients with a device called air flow.
Clinical Process of Dental Surface Cleaning
This treatment takes an average of 30 minutes and is completed in a single session. Patients with a high tendency to tartar are informed that this treatment should be repeated every 6 months, and patients with low tartar tendency and good oral hygiene are informed that this treatment should be repeated annually.